
SPSS AMOS: The most popular and powerful tool in quantitative research

October 9th, 2021 by

AMOS, an added SPSS module, is a statistical tool that is specially used for Structural Equation Modelling, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. SPSS AMOS does not just enable you to estimate, specify and assess but also lets you present models to show hypothesised relationships among variables. No matter which tool you use to conduct quantitative research, including & editing the statistical results in the dissertation is an arduous task. To help scholars with this process editors are providing dissertation editing service, so that a scholar’s work doesn’t get rejected merely because of few errors in data analysis chapter.

SPSS AMOS is considered to be an apt software for data analysis in quantitative research for the disciplines like medicine, social sciences, business planning, education, psychology and many more. This software also provides provision for creating multiple datasets for analysis and for improving the parameters. SPSS AMOS consisting of attitudinal and behavioural models is widely used among researchers all around the globe. Here is why it is so apt for the data analysis process.

Linear regression, ANOVA and ANCOVA-

In quantitative research, SPSS AMOS entails analyses the patterns of linear regression, ANOVA and ANCOVA for the purpose of data analysis. SPSS AMOS can also read and interpret data from different sources including other SPSS databases and MS excel.

Generating models using SPSS AMOS-

The user interfaces of SPSS AMOS lets the user to generate precise models with the datasets. Using these models, the user can build behavioural and attitudinal patterns of data interpretation. SPSS AMOS also enables the user to access, deliver and estimate the models and provide methods to select the model that is relevant to the dataset of the study. 

Graphical and non-graphical models –

The user can easily create the graphical and non-graphical models using the interface of SPSS AMOS consisting of drag and drop down lists. Creating graphical and non-graphical models through SPSS AMOS does not require drawing an elaborate path diagram. However, incorporating graphical diagram is a tough row to hoe. Including it in an inappropriate manner can ruin your work at a shot. If you committed this blunder, take help from team delivering dissertation editing service. They will implement in the right manner and also nullify any other error in your dissertation.

Establishing relationships –

The automated path diagrams in SPSS AMOS helps the researchers uncover the relationships between the variables and open perspectives of the analysis and interpret the data in research.

Estimation and regression imputation –

This software consists of functions of estimation in case of data missing due to advanced bootstrapping routine. Also the researchers can create multiple data sets just by using the regression imputation methods provided by SPSS AMOS. 

SPSS AMOS is the most trusted and widely used tool among the researchers. Some of the benefits of using this tool are:

  • Provides structural equation modeling (SEM)
  • Makes use of Bayesian analysis to enhance the estimates of model parameters
  • Provides various data imputation methods to create data sets.

SPSS AMOS a top-notch software has emerged as the leading software platform for structural equation modelling in quantitative research. To know more about this software visit

Check These Important Points Before Submitting your Manuscript

March 31st, 2018 by

Your research manuscript is an important and crucial set of documents that you will need to submit as part of the research project. Composed and written in detail, it has different sections that include relevant facts and information which must be clearly understood by readers. For ensuring that the final documents are polished and presentable it is good practice to follow a reference checklist of significant points.

Format the manuscript to maintain consistency

The format is the framework that holds your documents together and presents a uniform look and feel to the documents. It is a good idea to print the first draft to spot the formatting mistakes that appear more clearly in the printed copy. Some aspects to consider are:

  • Margins
  • Headers
  • Spacing between sentences and lines, paragraph indents
  • Fonts, page numbering, alignment
  • Section headings
  • Sentences length

Title Page

The title page must be descriptive, clear, brief and simple enough to understand the focus of the manuscript. It needs to attract and grab the attention of the readers. The author’s names and related information is also included in this section.


The abstract is a summary that represents the research and the main goal of the study and is written in a paragraph. You can write about the main research issue and the hypothesis, the methods you have used, the results or outcomes of the research. The key to writing this part correctly is balance, without too much or missing out vital details.


Paragraphs must be indented to make the format look clean and provides a neater structure. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and end with a transition sentence that goes on to the next topic for logical sequence.  Use double spacing for the text and avoid long sentences.


Make sure the headings and subheadings are appropriate and don’t include too many or it could confuse the reader and prevent the text from flowing smoothly to the next section.


Some scientific and technical topics have numerous abbreviations which can confuse the reader of the manuscript. Avoid overuse of abbreviations in headings or the main text as it can be an obstacle. Use abbreviations if you must, wisely and refer to previous manuscripts. You may observe abbreviations are not used in the abstract, keywords list or titles.

Units of Measurements

Graphs, maps, diagrams, tables can be used which can be self-explanatory and present results of the research clearly and numerically. Graphs should include axes, legends and labels. Figures must clarify the research understanding and must be referred in the main text and be of good quality.


Citing references is extremely important due to copyright rules and regulations. Use citing style according to the rules and guidelines provided. The references must include all the research publications that you may have used.

These are some useful and important manuscript tips to consider before you submit which ensures its quality and standard.

Journey of Academic Proofreading: The Highs and Lows

September 27th, 2016 by
Academic proofreading jobs come with both highs and lows. Ask academic proofreaders and they will reveal how they have proofread different forms of academic papers including conference papers, books, book chapters, journal articles and more.Very few academic proofreaders will find the job just enjoyable and see no negative sides.Most of the proofreaders will reveal that even though they may love the job, still there comes a time when they feel irritated and wish for a break or some refreshment.

Let us now discuss some of the highs and lows of academic proofreading.

Low- Inconsistent Grammar

There are times when the proofreader has to juggle through inconsistent grammar, incomprehensible jargons, spelling mistakes and much more. When the proofreader starts to check the academic paper, they often end up being confused and irritated. Some of the papers are written so bad that the proofreader finds it extremely difficult or overwhelming to correct the grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and even decipher the unfathomable jargons.

High- Presenting Vastly Improve Paper

A high point for the academic proofreaders is that even after juggling through inconsistent grammar, incomprehensible jargons, spelling mistakes and much more, they still manage to correct all the mistakes. Even though it may take significant amount of time for them to correct the mistakes, ultimately they are able to present vastly improve paper to the academic paper writer.

Low- Changing Deadlines

Often academic proofreaders complain of changing deadlines which mess up their work schedule. The fact is that the proofreaders schedule their work in accordance with the deadlines of different works which they receive. But there are times when the writer requests them to either give their work early or delay it. It surely causes them to reschedule their work, which leads to confusion and wastage of significant amount of time.

High- Experience on different subjects

Academic proofreaders get to proofread different forms of academic papers and journals on various subjects and topics including English, Physics, Chemistry, Communication, Law etc. This enhances their knowledge and in future they surely get preference and can even charge enhanced prices for academic proofreading.

Well, it won’t be wrong to say that as a coin has two parts, similarly being in academic proofreading profession has both highs and lows. A good academic proofreader overcomes the lows and gains experience from both the high and low points. Overall, they keep themselves motivated and focused on their work to offer the best proofreading services to their clients!

Few Steps of Radiating a Dissertation Through Editing

April 27th, 2015 by

A dissertation is not thought to be complete if it has not been edited. An unedited write-up is contemplated to be full of flaws and is never appreciated by any professor. Editing is well thought-out to be a final process which gives a final glow to the write-up. It is a step by step process which if not taken into consideration can lose up the quality of the dissertation.
Therefore, let’s go through some steps of radiating a dissertation through editing –

  • Fragmentation – Breaking into small parts and then editing. Of course editing the entire stock of thesis in one slot is not possible. Thus, going through one chapter in one sitting or a few paragraphs in a session always gives a sense full editing.

  • Run-on – Run-on technique helps in getting through the main crux of long and complex sentences. Long sentence often confuses the readers with their real meaning. Then Run-on method relates two clause of a single sentence together, identifying them being dependent or independent of each other.

  • Use of the comma and other punctuations – Commas and other punctuations like apostrophe, exclamation, question marks, etc are used with an adjunct meaning in the sentences. Editors often go through these minor yet crucial points while editing.

  • Articles – Use of articles with the phrase underlines the specific content and separates it from the common ones. Although sounds basic but use of articles (a, an, the) helps in phrasing correct sentences.

  • Tenses – Often the candidates having ESL issues with them face problem in tense usage. The research work of the thesis which has been done is expected to be written in past tense, but many scholars are not aware about this fact and commit mistakes while writing.

  • Alignments – Decided font size, line spacing and chapters sequencing defines proper alignment. Editors match these points at the time of editing according to the instructions given by the university. Therefore, aforesaid steps are important for radiating a thesis at the time of editing.

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Peer Review

June 13th, 2013 by

Peer reviews are done in every field and in every industry. Peer reviews can be found in law, accounting, aviation and even forest fire management. Medical professionals often have peer reviews to determine the success of clinical trials and whether a certain medicine or method of treatment can be released in the market or not. In academia, peer review is said to be the evaluation of the work of a scholar by one or more people of similar competence, knowledge and experience. It is effectively the examination of a body of work of a scholar by his colleagues. A peer review is often done before a body of work is about to be published. The academicians in the college get together and evaluate if the material is fit for publication or not. A peer review acts as a form of self regulation by members of the academic circle. In the professional world these types of reviews are essential for maintaining standards and making sure that all guidelines are adhered to. They are also important for deciding if the standards that are currently being followed are enough or they need to be altered.

There are many pragmatic reasons for conducting a peer review. It is difficult for a scholar or a professional to identify every small weakness and flaw in his work, no matter how capable they are. There are occasions when they might have missed a crucial point that would make a big difference to the result of their work. That is why it is important that others look over the work once to make sure that it is fine in every aspect.

When it comes to the world of publishing, it is common for the editors to rely on the help of reviewers to identify whether the material is suitable for publication or not. Many publishing firms have a small group of editors analyzing a large number of manuscripts. They neither have the time or the knowledge to take a call on every one of the manuscripts. If the material is of a very complicated and theoretical nature then it becomes essential for them to take the help of experts in making the final decision. This is where the knowledge possessed by peer reviewers comes in very useful. The writer of the material also stands to gain a lot from listening to diverse points of view on the work that he has done.

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