
Tips to Make the Most out of the Dissertation Writing and Editing

September 28th, 2021 by

As the deadline for thesis submission draws near, many scholars find themselves wondering whether they will be able to give it their best shot. Revision is therefore necessary. However, at this point, where revisions require bulk edits, it usually means the scholar went about the Dissertation Writing process in a completely wrong manner. So whether it comes to a law, business, education or medical dissertation editing or writing, here are some right ways to follow:

  •  A quality dissertation requires one to invest time and effort and where possible seek as much assistance as possible to gain a second opinion every step of the way.
  • The “Introduction” chapter is crucial because it not only outlines the important elements of the research but also captures the main essence in its paragraphs. It is important to bear in mind that the content does not necessarily justify the hypothesis because that means focusing on a single point. They are simply statements that say whether the hypothesis has been proven or disproven. On the other hand, it is not wise to generalize either. At this level, one is required to be succinct with how they phrase their sentences, and each one should carry weight. The flow should be smooth, linking one sentence to the next by using connecting words.
  • The process need not be regimental but does require discipline to a large extent. Experienced dissertation writers recommend writing a thousand words daily. The same not only ensures timely submission but also give enough time to the scholar to rectify major sections of the dissertation chapters. It is also not a farfetched idea to break away to “get some fresh air.” A change of scenario for a while can refresh the mind enough to form clarity of thoughts to write down. Where possible, one can even note them down wherever they go.
  • Data presentation can be the most stressful section of the dissertation, if not managed well. Despite a clear view on the research area, one has to be just as clear in how they will disseminate, whether primary sources work for secondary or both combined to work well together.
  • One should continue to improvise and review following the completion of each chapter, so it does not feel burdensome as a whole. That way, the scholar can decide whether the direction of research and writing is going as planned. At the same time, one should leave room enough to allow changes following the conclusion. It often happens that one may even require rewriting the hypothesis based on the conclusion and findings.
  • Finally, one should take the assistance of a reputable English Editing Company if they are not very good at writing the English language and desire a flawless content. While the supervisor is the best guide, one can also get expert guidance from peer review and online assistance, for example, for editing or formal reviewing the dissertation. This will not only improve one’s document, but the scholar will also learn to recognize weaknesses to prepare for a doctoral thesis or dissertation.

 In dissertation writing and particularly editing, lucidity and organization are the two most cardinal elements that should be considered to ensure the realness of the dissertation and to prove that an original contribution to knowledge can be made.

Guidelines to help eliminate bias in scholarly writing

May 19th, 2020 by
  1. Substitute gender-neutral words and phrases for gender biased words. A common mistake is the inadvertent use of sexist terms that are deeply entrenched in our culture , such as chairman instead of chairperson, mothering instead of parenting , and mankind instead of humankind.
  2. Use designations in parallel fashion to refer to men and women equally: “ 5 men and 14 women” , not “ 5 men and 14 females.”
  3. Do not assume that certain professors are gender related(e.g., “ a bright and a beautiful female professor “)
  4. Avoid gender- biased pronouns(e.g.,”  A consultant may not always be able to see his clients”) . A few nonsexist alternative to this pervasive are to:
    1. Add the other gender: “ his or her clients”. This alternative should be used only occasionally because it can become cumbersome.It is, however,preferable to awkward constructions such as s/he,him/her, or he (she).
    2. Use plural form : “ Consultants …. their clients”.
    3. Delete the adjective”to see clients”.
    4. Rephrase the sentence to eliminate the pronoun:” Clients may not always be seen by their consultants”.
    5. Replace the masculine or feminine pronouns with one or you.
  5. Do not identify people by race or ethnic group unless it is relevant . It is relevant ,try to ascertain the currently most acceptable terms and use them.
  6. Avoid language that suggests evaluation or reinforces stereotypes. For example, referring to a group as culturally deprived is evaluative , and remarking that the “Afro-American students, not surprisingly , won athletic events athletic events” reinforces a stereotype.
  7. Do not make unsupported assumptions about various age groups (e.g., that the elderly are less intellectually able or are remarkable for continuing to work energetically ).

Doing PhD from Capella? Know these four important points while writing your dissertation

September 27th, 2016 by

Writing a successful dissertation for your PhD is an overwhelming task. If you are pursuing your PhD from Capella, then it is even bigger achievement. And therefore, to suit the standards of Capella, you need to make sure that you follow its guidelines thoroughly. Learn the four crucial points when writing your dissertation for helping in planning and completing your degree program.

  1. The Proposal

When you finish your doctoral coursework, you need to select certain topics in which you wish to do your research. You need to first prepare and develop the research plans and methodology to obtain approval of your research plan and topic from the guide and the committee. At Capella, you require breaking down your proposal into the following steps and cite down the estimated time for completing each task. The completion time may differ from one research topic to the other. Know just the estimated time and the steps which you need to write.

  • Research ethics education (2-3 weeks)
  • Approval of the topic (6-8 weeks)
  • Guide approved research plan development (12-15 weeks)
  • Getting the Committee approval of your research topic (12-15 weeks)
  • Scientific merit review (12-15 weeks)
  • Approval from IRB (12-15 weeks)
  1. Research and Data Collection

To start, you require first indulging in a conference call with your guide and the committee, before you focus completely on research and data collection. They will provide you some guidance on the ways to approach your research. You may remain in touch with your mentor all the while.

  • Conference call for data collection (2 weeks)
  • Data collection (12-15 weeks)
  1. Compilation

With the collected data, you need to start compiling your dissertation, including chapters outlining the complete background of your study, literature review which supports your research, data collection and analysis details, results and final evaluation and interpretation. When compiling your dissertation ensure to follow the guidelines of dissertation writing. Do follow the formatting guidelines as well.

  1. Editing

Editing forms a crucial part of dissertation writing. You can follow the approach of editing when completing chapters after chapters. You can then ensure final proofreading and editing of your dissertation when you have finally completed your dissertation. You can even take external help for dissertation editing and make sure to hire an experienced and qualified proofreader for the job!

Follow the four important points and ensure great dissertation writing!

Comma- the Game Changer: A Guide on Using Comma

May 2nd, 2016 by

When we communicate, our words convey a specific meaning with a intent. However, while communicating in the written form, a “Comma” can change the entire meaning of the sentence.

Don’t believe? Just check this out!

“A woman, without her man is nothing.”

“A woman, without her, man is nothing”

Comma plays an important role in academic writing as well. PhD candidates are supposed be the most intelligent human being on earth, but sometimes played fool by these teeny-tiny ‘Comma’

For sure, there are precise rules govern when to use this punctuation mark. When followed, these rules lay the groundwork for clear written communication.

Here are the golden rules on using ‘Comma’ that will make your life simpler:

1.Using a Comma to separate the different elements in a series: “This study shows facts, beliefs, and findings.” Earlier you may have learned or not that the comma before the ‘and’ in the above mentioned sentence is unnecessary only if you’re in control of things. Whereas in most of the situation the last two items (that are separated using an ‘and’) will try to mingle as one like macaroni and cheese. Using comma between all the items in the list will avoid this problem. The last comma (between the last two items in the list, is known as the Serial Comma.

2.Using a Comma to connect two independent clause (before the conjunction): “The recent finding shows the better result, but the exact results require considering both the old and recent findings.” It is believed that a conjunction is an adequate separation, however, the use of comma with the conjunction makes the sentence balanced. In case of any doubt, the use of comma in such situation is always correct. The frequent error with comma is the placement of a comma after the conjunction.

3.Using a Comma to set off parenthetical elements: “The founder Bridge, which spans the river, is falling down.” The parenthetical element means a part of a sentence that can be removed without changing the vital meaning of the sentence. This element is sometime called as ‘added information’. But remember, when a parenthetical element – an adverbial modifier, an interjection or an adverbial clause follows a coordinating conjunction used to connect two independent clause, don’t put a comma in front of the parenthetical element.

4.Using a Comma to separate coordinate adjectives: “This is a big, magnificent and distinguished building” If you put an ‘and’ or a ‘but’ between the adjective, a comma will always belong there. For example- you can say: “This is a big, magnificent, and distinguished building.”

5.Using a Comma to set off quoted elements: In academic writing, referencing someone else’s work requires putting quotation mark. In such cases use a comma to separate quoted material from the rest of the sentence that explains the quotation. “I should like to buy an egg, please,” she said timidly. “How do you sell them?”

6.Using a Comma to set off phrases that express contrast: “Some say the world will end in ice, not fire” Many a time, there occurs situation or sentence which contrasts. It is advisable to use a comma to separate two contrasting element in the sentence.

I hope the use of comma is well understood by now. You can try this out by putting the comma in the sentences given below. Post your answers in the comment box.

1. She was grateful to be recognized and she showed her gratitude freely.

2. Nevertheless he will always remember her attitude.

3. While she generally prefers the works of Hemingway sometimes she read Steinbeck.

4. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

5. For dinner they roasted fish mashed potatoes and gravy and peas.

6. “I don’t want this” Jack said, “that the meal was all that good.”

7. Raising flowers for Sofia was his main joy in life.

Ways to write an impressive dissertation

June 13th, 2015 by

A dissertation is prepared by a person for a degree or qualifications that manifest the research done by him or her. It is usually in the context of a doctorate. It goes without saying; a well prepared dissertation finds the candidate in a good stead. Since it is integral to an individual’s success, certain things should be taken into consideration. The imperative points for writing a dissertation are as follows:

A dissertation throws light on a certain thesis. It has to be original and compelling. The research done to elaborate on a thesis should point towards a person’s contributions.

A methodical way to begin is to have a hypothesis and then strengthen it by accumulating the evidence. Before one takes on a herculean task of writing a dissertation, one must have enough material to support a thesis. Hence, the most challenging facet of preparing a dissertation is collecting the evidence and presenting it in a coherent way.

Critical thinking is the foundation of a dissertation. There is no scope for experimentation.

A dissertation emphasises on the lessons learned and not simply the facts and figures.

The essence of dissertation is every statement that is substantiated by referring to published literature or a completely original material. Furthermore, a dissertation does not reiterate the analysis of a published material, it utilises the results as factual information and directs the reader to the information source for more details.

A dissertation is a formal document due to which, it must be comprehensive and grammatically correct. Moreover, it must adhere to the rules of grammar which means no slang, no ambiguous jargons and jokes. The style of writing ought to be concise and clear. The words must be used carefully so as to not confuse the reader at any point in time.

Each and every statement should have a logical sense. The discourse in a dissertation should keep the strict logical rules of mathematics and science in mind.

The areas of growth and learning in a dissertation are as follows:

1. The dissertation gives training to communicate with scientists regarding a discovery.

2. A student has an opportunity to think intensely, to present view-points to convince scientists and to manifest the discussions in a prim and proper manner.

Writing well is a key to an excellent dissertation. However, brilliant writing cannot make up for a lack of original ideas.

The use of terminology:

1. Every technical word used should be in reference to an already published material. A concise definition should appear before the term is used to make a dissertation unambiguous.

2. All through a dissertation a term should be used in merely, one way.

3. The beginning of a dissertation should involve a chapter providing a definition of words used in the writing.

A rule of thumb for writing an impressive dissertation is to practise. The more one polishes the presentation skills, the easier it is to prepare a dissertation.

Help us resolve your doubts. Leave your questions and comments below or reach us at

Finding reliable dissertation editing service is easy

June 20th, 2013 by

If you are searching for the best dissertation editing services firm, then don’t worry because internet has made it convenient to get hold of the best company which can offer you expert assistance on editing your dissertations in the most professional manner. Reliable and authentic dissertation editing services are easy to find if you use the right type of search technique.

1While searching for the best dissertation editor ensure to check whether the respective professional has a deeper understanding of the paper to be edited. Check whether he/she has the required amount of skill in both activities; including editing and writing the dissertation.

Always opt for the dissertation editing professionals who have been into the business of editing dissertations since many long years. Make sure the editor is well-informed about your exact needs and knows what needs to be delivered. The editorial team must be competent in understanding your requirements and providing you suitable solutions for editing your manuscripts in the most professional manner.

Surfing the internet can provide you an easy access to a large number of service providers who are skilled in handling varied dissertation editing projects. These experts charge a marginal fee for their services and allow the research scholars grab excellent scores at their university’s final year examination. EditnPublish ( ) is one such excellent firm which can be contacted for fulfilling all the dissertation editing & proofreading requirements in the most cost-effective manner.

Help us resolve your doubts. Leave your questions and comments below or reach us at