
How to assess the quality of your dissertation?

February 28th, 2019 by
Assessing quality of your dissertation is a multi-dimensional aspect that varies on the basis of the type of research conducted. Qualitative research is assessed depending upon its credibility, dependability, transferability and conformability. Similarly, quantitative researches are assessed depending upon its objectivity, reliability, construct validity, internal validity, and external validity. Therefore, it is advised to revise your dissertation about all such points before submitting it to your supervisor. Furthermore, to improve and assess the quality of your dissertation it is important to understand following points –
  • Comprehend the factors that help in assessing research quality – As discussed above quantitative research are assessed on the scale of internal validity, external validity, construct validity, reliability and objectivity. Based on these parameters your dissertation will be valued as –
  1. Whether your dissertation is internally and externally valid or not?
  2. Research methods used are constructive enough and valid throughout to reach up to the ultimate answer. Research is undertaken with a clear objective in mind.
Once these points are unblemished, you can move ahead.
  • Evaluate the quality of the main research journal – No matter whichever approach you use, but your dissertation will be appraised on the strategy of research used. Literature quality is reviewed that shows clear picture of the weak and strong points of the research strategy used. The same can also be done by –
  1. Measuring internal and external validity of the research strategy
  2. Measuring construct validity and reliability of the measurement procedure used.
  • Measure the potential of the research quality of your research strategy- Potential of the research quality can be measured through –
  1. Duplication – It checks whether the main goal is replicated through multiple strategies used results same or are different. Analyzing the threats and strengths of the study is evident to form a hypothesis and check whether the expected result is duplicated or else rejected.
  2. Generalization – Generalization is tested to check whether the research goal is generally applied on different people, place, time and contexts or not.
  3. Extension – Design based extension and measurement based extensions requires to add, edit, omit and review the research strategy.
Overcome weakness of the dissertation – The quicker you understand the weakness of your dissertation, the better you understand your pits and easier it will be for you to overcome it. This impacts the quality of your dissertation both qualitatively and quantitatively.For more information visit us at –

How-to Guide for Rewriting Your Dissertation As a Book!

November 6th, 2017 by

What a chilling moment it is when your committee calls your PhD dissertation terrific, isn’t it?

The hard work, restless days, sleepless nights, and the surplus amount of anxiety and frustration has paid off well in the end. Then we let your hard work go in vain if not turn it into your first publishable academic book? Yes! You can craft your first academic book from your terrific PhD dissertation.

But your dissertation needs a lot of work to become a scholarly book having commercial potential. Here is what makes a published book and dissertation different:

PhD Dissertation

Academic Book

Written for supervisor, university and experts specialised in the research discipline.

Written for the general reader that may or may not be an expert but academician in the research discipline.

Doctoral chair checks dissertation for analyzing the scholarly credentials.

Publisher or book editor judges the quality of the book by its academic rigor as well as the commercial prospect.

The chapters of dissertation cannot be read and understood individually.

The book chapters, however, are usually meant to be stand-alone.

The writing style, tone, and genre is formal and scholarly.

The writing style, tone, and genre should be scholarly yet engaging.

You can convert your dissertation into a book in two ways: either you rewrite your dissertation all from scratch or edit your dissertation through cut, copy, and paste! The latter is not advised since the cut, copy, and paste often results in the work of poor quality done in a hurry. The former, rewriting dissertation as a comprehensive book can be a good choice. While rewriting, you get a liberty to improve the overall standard of the book by not sticking up to the strict guidelines and other formal aspects of your dissertation.

Rewriting Your Dissertation

1. Eliminate Signposting

Signposting words are connecting words that make clear the purpose of paragraphs, chapters, figures to the reader. In your dissertation, you must have used the signposting words to direct the reader to comprehend the different phases of your research. Such as “the aim of this study…”, “to begin with…”, “to summarize…”, “in conclusion”, etc. These are necessary when your dissertation is going to be evaluated by the university but might appear troublesome for the general readers outside the niche research academia. Instead, your book can be made engaging and interactive if you let your reader think and decide about the argument or question you posed. Therefore, do not make excessive use of signposting while rewriting.

2. Limit References in LR

Since your doctoral chair needed the complete list of articles and research papers you studied for your research, there would have many citations and references in your literature review chapter. This, however, is not required when it comes to writing an academic book. You should limit the number of references in your literature review chapter as the reader do not need to go into much detail about everything you studied. However, you may create a supplementary list for the additional readings referenced in your literature review as the suggestions for the readers.

3. Alter the Writing Style

You need to pay particular attention to the language, style, and tone of writing for the book. Because your dissertation is evaluated by the experts, making the grip on your writing style and tone is easy for them. This thing might not happen with the general readers of your book. Thus, you should aim for the wider readership and write it accordingly.

4. Keep Abstract Aside

When you would find a publisher, you do need to prepare a book proposal for demonstrating the potential of your book. Once you are done with the extraction of your dissertation to a book, do not forget to make the smart use of the abstract. You can keep your abstract aside for the time when you are rewriting the dissertation and later refine the abstract into the book proposal.

5. Self-Cite For Credibility

Self-citation is the one simple rule you should always follow to maintain the ethical decorum in the academia. You should cite you dissertation in your book for if anyone wants to read it in detail, he can quickly look up to it. This would not only increase the visibility of your book and but also would give you recognition as an established post-doc academician.

6. Prepare Book’s Back Cover Copy

Do not forget to prepare a back cover copy for your book. Such copies printed on the back just give an insight to the surplus amount of knowledge contained in the book. Around hundred and fifty words printed on back act as the ad for your book and make the people decide whether to buy the book or not. You can also mention this in your book proposal to grab the opportunity for getting published.

10 Movies about Writers

January 8th, 2016 by

Thesis and dissertation editing are some of the services evolved to assist students in the academic work. Besides polishing the dissertation, these services reduce the stress in students. Writing is not only challenging for students, but the authors and journalist also deal with problems. There are many movies made on writers, here are 10 movies about writers –

Barton Fink

The movie is about the vicissitudes of writing. The story revolves around Barton Fink, who moves from Newark to Hollywood to write for movies, but he yearns to write for the common man, even when he is offered a huge sum of money by major studio for a mindless wrestling movie.

The Shining

The movie is the screen adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining which is a horror movie telling the tale of a supernatural hotel and a writer’s descent into insanity and an interesting tale of his renowned ill temperament.


It is an American comedy-drama based on the nonfiction book by Susan Orlean, The Orchid thief. It is the story about a famous author who is hired to write a screenplay for “The Orchid Thief” is unable to do so as he is stuck by the write’s block.


The movie is a biographical film about Truman Capote, an American novelist, following the events during the drafting of his nonfiction book In Cold Blood, written by Gerald Clark.

The Great Beauty

The movie is about a journalist, Jep Gambardella, who realizes the emptiness in his 65th birthday after the spending his life writing about the extravagant life in Rome’s nightclubs and parties soon after hearing fame with his only great novel.


It is an American psychological thriller based on the novel, Misery by Stephen King about a fan who captivates the author get her stories written by him.


The movie is based on the novel sideways by Jim Taylor, about a struggling writer and his friend, who take a week long road trip just before one of them is about to get married.


It is a thriller movie, about once-successful playwright Sidney Bruhi, who plan the murder of his student who has written a good script and announce the script as his own.

Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters

It is an American-Japanese movie based on the life and work of a Japanese writer Yulio Mishima.

Henry Fool

This movie is about two friends, who start their life together in the field of writing, but the egoistic and talentless man, Henry Fool sinks his life with alcohol and crime, whereas his friend Simon writes the great American poem and ascents to the height of winning the Nobel prize.

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The Importance Of Clear Communication In Scientific Papers

September 21st, 2015 by

Scientific papers can be accepted for publication only based on certain factors – your statistical analysis, your research design, and above all, the interpretation of your results. Above all, they would consider whether the communication in your scientific paper has been clear or not. Here is why you should communicate clearly in your scientific paper.

Consider your audience

You are writing for journal reviewers and editors, who will decide whether to publish your scientific paper or not. You are also writing for readers of the journal, who may or may not have a passing interest in your research work. You are also writing for your peers and the others working in the same field as you in the hope that they will go through your paper and also build upon its results. You would need to write your scientific paper such that it is easily comprehensible. You may have invested a lot of effort and time in writing this article. Now, you have to make the article easy for everyone to read so that you can share the results of your research with them.

Remove the barriers

When you communicate clearly, you also remove the other barriers that block you from publishing the communication of the results of your research paper. If you use the non-standard abbreviations in your scientific paper, you make the understanding of your paper extremely difficult. Keep them to a minimum since readers would get confused otherwise. Your readers would be happy when you do not use these abbreviations often. Moreover, you should also use correct grammar. Find out whether you need to use the British or the American spelling in your scientific paper. This will prevent the editors from feeling frustrated while reviewing your paper. If you communicate clearly in your research paper, you can not only get your paper published but also see a positive response from the audiences.

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How Copy Editing Can Improve the Quality of Your Write-Up?

May 28th, 2015 by

A copy editing is done in order to make an overall improvement in the write-up to assure the correctness, clarity and perfectness of the same. It endows that quality to the written piece that is indispensable for the final submission and its publication. Copy editing mainly works on the following points –

  • Test out the title, topic and cover page of the dissertation/thesis
  • Checks the numerical presentation in the form of tables, data’s, calculations and graphs
  • Removing fluffs from the content and make it to the point
  • Confiscates extra phrases, quotes and expressions and makes the write-up easy to understand
  • Correct the grammatical flaws, spellings and punctuation marks
  • Checks the chapters, contents and page alignment according to the prescribed standards of the university
  • Prepares well turned-out display type which includes headings, subheadings, images, summaries, riddles and out of boundary text.

As, these points are highly refined and requires state-of-the-art for its absolute presentation therefore an expert copy editor is required for the purpose. Although a proficient writer is knowledgeable enough to write the most intellect piece yet probabilities of slipping-up the mistakes are very high. As, copy edited write-ups are supposed to be first read and last argued; they hold up the key concerns of publication. Thus, skilled and practiced copy editors are mandating to polish the write-up.

Copy editors are linguistic, writing style experts and trained in English language. They are trained in a way that their eyes roll mainly on mistakes and they tend to read word by word and line by line to find out the flaws and correct them. They focus on to make the write-up concise, flowing, standard and readable.

In the crux copy editing can improve the quality of the write-up by adding propos terminologies and bedecking it with sapient ideas.

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Importance of editing and proofreading your dissertation

September 2nd, 2013 by

Writing your dissertation is one of the most crucial steps in getting your master’s degree. Every post-graduate program will require you to submit a thoroughly researched dissertation that proves as an evaluation of your overall study and completes your assessment.

It is a common practice for students to write the dissertation, read it once and immediately submit it. Many-a-times, students are on tight deadlines and do not even get the time to read their completed dissertation before submitting. This is one of the most dangerous mistakes you can commit while expecting a good evaluation.

1111 Need for editing:

Every written piece, whether it is a story, an essay or a dissertation requires a thorough proofreading / editing. In many circumstances, students who have gone through the dissertation a number of times during their writing and revision sessions are unable to notice the grammatical errors. They skip through the content as they imagine it in their mind and miss the common mistakes that would be caught by any third person.

11111Professional Assistance to improve your dissertation:

It is highly recommended to give your dissertation to editing experts. Their years of experience give you the edge in submitting a grammatically correct dissertation. Professional editors will also check for the flow and composition of your sentences and the overall thesis. They will suggest mandatory changes, as well as improvements to make your dissertation flawless.

Punctuation matters:

Sometimes, silly mistakes like wrong punctuations, missing commas or adding an unnecessary exclamation mark can change the entire meaning of your sentence. If you rely on Spelling and Grammar check of your writing software, it may miss these errors and not show you any red signal. However, a professional editor will scan through your document with a magnifying glass to catch all the possible pitfalls of grammar and incorrect English, thus making your work simpler and easier. The money you will pay to these writers is definitely worth spending because in all probability, your dissertation is an once-in-a-lifetime material that you would want to treasure all your life.

Though it may worry you that giving your dissertation to a third person for editing may change the essence of your writing and your subject, you can rest assured that it is the wisest decision you will make in your dissertation submission process.

The Magic of Editing:

It’s the last milestone in your dissertation completion process that will change your dissertation from mere pages to a memorable piece of work.

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Importance of Citation

July 3rd, 2013 by

Whenever one is writing any kind of academic or non-academic material, it is always important to acknowledge where they got their material from. If they do not acknowledge where they got the information from then they could be held on charges of plagiarism. That is why a citation is so essential. The citation can be given for both a published source as well as an unpublished source. In most cases the citation is something as simple as an abbreviated alphanumeric expression. A proper citation also helps the reader to judge if the references cited by the author and examples that he has quoted are valid or not and how well they complement his work.

In academia there are many different types of citations. Many famous institutions in the United States and in the United Kingdom have developed their own way of giving citations to their work. The most well known methods of acknowledging someone else’s work are the Oxford style, the Harvard style, American Sociological Association or ASA style and American Psychological Association or APA style. It is up to the comfort level of the writer as to which style he wishes to use. On the other hand there are also certain academic institutions that have laid down specific styles that their students and scholars need to use for their research material. The authors who are a part of those institutions need to use only that style for all their written works.

What kind of things go in to a citation? It can be the name of the book or the author who wrote that book. It could also include the date of publication and in some cases even the specific page number. If the material has been taken from a journal then it would include the journal name and the date on which it was published. If the work has been derived from a newspaper then it should include the name of the columnist who wrote it and the date on which it was published. There are also instances where the author would use a line from a poem or a scene from a play. In such cases the name of the poem, the poet or the play and the playwright should also be given. It is essential for academic editors to be well versed with all the various citation styles so that they can check if the writer has used them correctly or not.

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Importance of Citation compliance in a research paper

June 2nd, 2013 by

Citation can be defined as the reference to any source for the information quoted in an academic work. In other words, citation is the abbreviated expression of the source that is inserted in the body of the research paper. Citation can be the combination of both letters and numbers, and the bibliography is the most common form of citation that is included in the research paper. The citation helps the readers to identify the source work and relocate it, if required. Citations also prove that the contents of the paper are well researched, and the researcher has addressed all the relevant issues. Most of the Thesis editing services offered by different writing companies, assure that the thesis provided by them have proper citation.

Most of the students fail to cite the sources properly, but from educational point of view, citation is of great importance. Citation plays a significant role in writing a research paper. Below are the points that show how important citation is –

  • The main idea behind any research paper is the distribution of thoughts and ideas. Citations in the research papers protect the researcher from the charge of plagiarism.
  • Correct citations contribute a lot to the attributes of your research paper. If the reader fails to find the referred source, then he/she may not trust the research work. Hence, one should cite the sources carefully.
  • Most of the experienced readers feel that, if the researcher cannot get even small details about his/her work correct, he/she cannot be trusted for big projects. His research work cannot be considered as dependable.
  • The teachers assign the work to the students to help them learn how to integrate the work of other researcher into their own thinking. Proper citations in the research paper show that the students learned a number of important things during his research.
  • Proper citations distinguish the experienced writers from beginners. Also, the paper that is written with proper citations shows the writing skills of the researcher.
  • Failing to cite proper resources violates the rights of the original writer. Hence, it is important to keep track of the sources, if you are using the ideas of others.

  • There are a number of academic writing firms that provide different kinds of Editing services for dissertation. If you are not aware of the citation styles and formats, you can take the help of any of these companies. They will edit your research paper with proper citations and references.

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