AMOS, an added SPSS module, is a statistical tool that is specially used for Structural Equation Modelling, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. SPSS AMOS does not just enable you to estimate, specify and assess but also lets you present... read more
Writing a dissertation is itself a tedious task; translating the written dissertation into some other language that you aren’t aware of is nothing more than a nightmare come true. Many a time research scholars prefer writing their dissertation in the... read more
As the deadline for thesis submission draws near, many scholars find themselves wondering whether they will be able to give it their best shot. Revision is therefore necessary. However, at this point, where revisions require bulk edits, it usually means... read more
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) is widely revered by writers, researchers, educators, and scholars as the definitive manual in multiple fields such as behavioural sciences, natural sciences, education, nursing, business, and many others. As with previous... read more
There are various techniques that can be adopted to improve the quality of a document. Out of the the many, one that is less popular but quite effective is reverse outlining. Reverse outline is a technique that is created and... read more
Dissertation papers have always been a fear for doctorate students. You may have all the knowledge and have scored great marks in assessments, but when it comes to writing a dissertation paper, it is like nemesis and you start fearing... read more
You need not obtain permission for those who work in the public domain, that is, works with no copyright protection or those with expired copyrights. Academic honesty, however, mandates that you acknowledge all sources in your dissertation, even those in... read more
Substitute gender-neutral words and phrases for gender biased words. A common mistake is the inadvertent use of sexist terms that are deeply entrenched in our culture , such as chairman instead of chairperson, mothering instead of parenting , and mankind... read more
Are you a research scholar pursuing a Ph.D. or thinking to take Dissertation Editing Services? Are you concerned about how good your dissertation or thesis will be? Are you worried about the deadlines that are associated with your university or... read more
Are you a student of psychology? Or writing a paper in the field of psychology? Then APA Format is the format you need to follow. You need to list down the References used and you might need to go for... read more
Peer review is a collaborative process where the academic authors obtain constructive feedback to proceed with their piece of writing. Peer reviewing, regarded as a quality measure tool for manuscript, evaluates manuscript for its suitability for specific publication. Despite its... read more
Research involves working with vast amounts of data (structured & unstructured). Although structured data can be assessed without grouping them, unstructured data must be segregated into logical groups prior to analyzing them. This is exactly where the clustering methods is... read more
Deep Learning is gaining popularity among Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data scientist community. With growing time, it has become of the love of data lovers across the globe. However, of late, researchers have begun to question if deep learning is... read more
Preparing a manuscript for a major psychology journal publication can be a daunting task for everyone, from first-time authors to even experienced researchers. However, all authors need is just a bit of help in preparing their manuscript in the best... read more
The internet is literally flooded with information on how you should edit a document. But if you have been in academics for some time, you would probably know that academic writing is no way similar to the otherwise casual, or... read more