You need not obtain permission for those who work in the public domain, that is, works with no copyright protection or those with expired copyrights. Academic honesty, however, mandates that you acknowledge all sources in your dissertation, even those in the public domain. If you use copyrighted material in your dissertation, you must secure the […]
Protection of Others’ work used in your dissertation – A guide for PhD Candidates
June 8th, 2020 by admin
Best Dissertation Editing Services For Research Scholars
March 24th, 2020 by admin
Are you a research scholar pursuing a Ph.D. or thinking to take Dissertation Editing Services? Are you concerned about how good your dissertation or thesis will be? Are you worried about the deadlines that are associated with your university or college?Do you think writing a dissertation or thesis is a manageable task? Do you think […]
APA Formatting Tips for Dissertation
February 7th, 2020 by admin
Are you a student of psychology? Or writing a paper in the field of psychology? Then APA Format is the format you need to follow. You need to list down the References used and you might need to go for an APA Dissertation Editing too, to deliver a world class research paper. There are other […]
Unsupervised Learning: Get an Insight into Top 3 Learning Techniques in Deep Learning
September 28th, 2019 by admin
Deep Learning is gaining popularity among Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data scientist community. With growing time, it has become of the love of data lovers across the globe. However, of late, researchers have begun to question if deep learning is the future of Artificial Intelligence. Today, although supervised learning (a deep learning technique) has […]
10 Great Tips for Good Editing to make your Good Research Great
July 31st, 2019 by admin
The internet is literally flooded with information on how you should edit a document. But if you have been in academics for some time, you would probably know that academic writing is no way similar to the otherwise casual, or creative writing like this one here. Academic editing precisely needs sheer perfectionism to be transformed […]
Preparing Dissertation For Final Submission: Stepping the Stones
June 12th, 2019 by Michael
The New Year is coming soon! So is the deadline for dissertation submission for you. As a PhD student, this simply means that you need to pull your socks up to prepare your dissertations for ultimate submission. And this is right where several problems pitch in. It is equally important to give proper finishing touches […]
Get Your Scientific Journal Acknowledged With The Help Of ESL Editing Services
May 17th, 2019 by Liam
A scientific journal is a periodical publication proposed to further the progress of science, generally by reporting new research. These journals are important and comprehensive testimonials that establish the nature of the work the student has undertaken. Writing and submitting an academic paper in English language can probably be a daunting task if English is […]
How to assess the quality of your dissertation?
February 28th, 2019 by Nevaeh
Assessing quality of your dissertation is a multi-dimensional aspect that varies on the basis of the type of research conducted. Qualitative research is assessed depending upon its credibility, dependability, transferability and conformability. Similarly, quantitative researches are assessed depending upon its objectivity, reliability, construct validity, internal validity, and external validity. Therefore, it is advised to revise […]
How-to Guide for Rewriting Your Dissertation As a Book!
November 6th, 2017 by Nevaeh
What a chilling moment it is when your committee calls your PhD dissertation terrific, isn’t it? The hard work, restless days, sleepless nights, and the surplus amount of anxiety and frustration has paid off well in the end. Then we let your hard work go in vain if not turn it into your first publishable academic book? […]
Are you looking for a software for editing your dissertation? Michelle Adams is the name of the software
February 13th, 2017 by Ava
Michelle Adams is the one stop shop for all editing related concerns? She is the software by herself because the kind of work she produces