Project not allocated : Normally, our project allocation is instant and runs on auto mode and hence after you make the payment, immediately our team sets their hand on it, however, in some cases, where the project is not assigned instantly and you request for refund, we may offer refund subject to standard 10% deduction on the amount paid.
Over Charged : If due to our system error, you have been charged more than the price we usually charge, we shall refund the excess amount.
Editor not found : If, we are unable to find a suitable editor for your project, we will refund the full amount paid to you.
Paid Twice or more : If due to our system error or technical snag at our payment gateway end, you pay twice or more for the same service, we will refund the excess amount.
Delivery Date not met : If we have not met the delivery date of your project, we will refund the amount pro rata to the work done and submitted to you. However, refund in this case will be subject to review and approval by our management and is not confirmed.