
The advantages of multiple rounds of editing

This entry was posted in Editor , on July 01 , 2014.

Many academic support firms provide a service where they put the manuscript through multiple rounds of editing. The document is sent to an editor, usually a junior one, for the first round of editing. Once the editor has run through the project and made all the required corrections then the manuscript is sent to a more senior editor. This editor then recommends improvements in the project so its quality can be improved even more. The manuscript is then sent through several rounds of editing till one is absolutely sure that it cannot be improved any further. Normally, highly technical documents or scientific papers that are going to be published in a leading journal are put through this rigorous process.

Many journals have extremely stringent guidelines for accepting manuscripts and papers for publishing. They are known to reject documents for the most minor reasons. That is why editing companies put the document through several rounds of editing and get the opinion of many different experts. This way they can make sure that there is no reason within their control that might cause the document to get rejected.


Along the way the researcher gets a lot of feedback from all the editors. He can use those feedbacks to make improvements to the way he has written the document. He can also use the feedbacks for future reference so that his general style of writing and his general way of research can be improved. Passing the document through so many editors also ensures that the writer gets different points of view. Different experts would come up with different ideas and the amalgamation of all those ideas would only serve to increase the quality of the project. There are many benefits to putting a document through multiple rounds of editing.

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